Christmas Puddings and Cakes...

We're making puddings and cakes again this year to raise funds for our work. Please book yours here

Encounter Summer Camp 24

With 57 young people at our summer camp at Sizewell Hall in Suffolk this year, it was all systems go! We had amazing weather, a fantastic team and lots of fun! Our speaker, national Youth for Christ director, Neil O'Boyle, spoke to us each evening on the subject of 'Brave', our theme for the week. One evening almost half the young people responded to the call to be 'all-in' for God, which was amazing! It was such a privilege to see God at work in the lives of the young people through the seminars, talks, testimonies and worship, lead by the young people themselves, with the help of Fliss Jones from Norwich Youth for Christ.

St Benet's Chaplaincy Project

The St Benet's Chaplaincy Project is a project that is working with local churches to build school chaplaincy teams across schools in the St Benet's Multi Academy Trust (south), centred around the Harleston Sancroft Academy. Integrate Youth for Christ staff are leading the project and are working closely with local churches to develop the chaplaincy teams and increase the connections between churches and schools.

Youth Cafes

We run a range of youth cafes in various local churches in our area.

Integrate Youth For Christ run cafes in parish churches in Burston and Banham as well as a youth café at Diss Salvation Army Community Church and another one at The Hub, Thetford (known as Pulse Youth café).

Prayer Spaces

Prayer Spaces In Schools enable young people to explore faith and spirituality from a broadly Christian perspective in a safe, creative and interactive way.  

Integrate Youth For Christ have been running regular Prayer Spaces in Archbishop Sancroft (Harleston) and Old Buckenham High Schools for several years now.  We have also now run prayer spaces in Long Stratton High School and Diss High School.

Encounter 2024

Our final termly youth worship event in 2024 is coming up soon on the 9th November!
It's a chance to meet other groups from around the area, mingle and be part of something bigger!
We are looking forward to hearing from our speaker this time, Gwil Davey from Norwich Youth for Christ who will be talking on the theme of 'Justice'.

Suitable both for those already with faith but also for their friends or those yet to discover Jesus.
Doors open at 6.30pm for the café, games and activities with the main event starting at 7pm. The café will again be open at the end, finishing at 9pm.
Live band; speaker; Taskmaster challenge and so much more - don't miss this great event for those in School Years 6 - 13.
Event is free, but bring money for tuck!

The dates for next year are as follows:
  • 15th March 2025
  • 21st June 2025
  • 15th November 2025

Thank You Brunch

On 19th October at 9.30am, we would like to thank those that volunteer for us in schools, youth cafes, residentials, youth events or as part of the St Benet's Chaplaincy project by providing a yummy brunch of pastries, fruit, granola and bacon butties. We would also like to thank anyone else that supports us either financially or through prayer...

What do young people like about our events?

"It was really fun!"
"The talk (about worry) was really good for me to hear as I worry too much."
"A great evening! Well done everyone."
"I love the visiting speaker."
"The egg splatting game was great fun!"
"The best things about Youth Cafes are games and activities where you solve things with friends."

School Lunch Clubs

We run More2Life lunch time clubs in schools where we work with young people to provide a safe haven and somewhere to discuss issues from a Christian perspective.

Contact Us

Integrate Youth for Christ,
Diss Methodist Church,
Victoria Road,
Diss, IP22 4EY
Tel: 01379 309732,
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

UK Registered Charity:1134413

A member of Youth for Christ