Encounter Summer Camp 24

With 57 young people at our summer camp at Sizewell Hall in Suffolk this year, it was all systems go! We had amazing weather, a fantastic team and lots of fun! Our speaker, national Youth for Christ director, Neil O'Boyle, spoke to us each evening on the subject of 'Brave', our theme for the week. One evening almost half the young people responded to the call to be 'all-in' for God, which was amazing! It was such a privilege to see God at work in the lives of the young people through the seminars, talks, testimonies and worship, lead by the young people themselves, with the help of Fliss Jones from Norwich Youth for Christ. Our 'Brave' theme also took a Scottish turn (think 'Braveheart' and the Disney 'Brave') with bagpipes, Highland Games, a Highland Fling and a special Scottish meal with kilts, tartan and wigs aplenty! Highlights for the young people included the famous simulation game, which this time took the theme of the persecuted church with young people needing to decide whether to stand up for their faith, which most of them did, even though it was only a game, and ended with the young people worshiping in the 'prison' (our football cage!) and converting the 'guards'! They also loved the bonfire on the beach, the 'Thorpnessie Boating Lake' and meeting new friends. Two young people had asked to be baptised at camp this year, another highlight for many and we had several young people committing their lives to Jesus for the first time! So, although utterly exhausting, seeds were sown, lives transformed, young people were discipled and it was all worth it!
A member of Youth for Christ