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Who is it for?

Integrate Camp is for those who are at high school up to and including year 13.  Campers do not have to be churchgoers or Christians but they should be interested in, or at least curious about, the Christian faith, and we ask all campers to attend all the organised sessions.
We have a high proportion of leaders to campers. Leaders are drawn from several denominations of local churches and youth organisations - many are campers from previous years.

What we do?
Football, volleyball, walks, games, music, mad activities and workshops - and we are right next to the beach!
...and don't forget the 'simulation game'!

How much does it cost?
Fees for 2017 is £120 - £135 if booking is made after the 1st March.

Fees cover all activities and meals, but there will also be the opportunity to buy tuck, etc. We recognise it may be difficult for some to find even the discounted amount and we would not wish anyone to be excluded on grounds of cost. Please speak to us in confidence, if you wish for financial help - we do have some assisted places available.

How do I book?
Book Online Here
Drop us an email with your contact details if you would like us to send you one, or download one here